
Why looking after yourself matters when you’re building a business.

Jul 17
Prioritising yourself as an asset that your business needs. This is because it allows for better  decision-making and clearer planning.
Burnout is a real thing. It's a recognised medical condition and happens to 70% of the workforce. That's 7 in 10 people. That's huge so why is the advice always to add more to your plate. Whilst it is important to diversify, it is equally important to know when to take a break by delaying, delegating and knowing when to rest. 
We are not machines. We need sustenance  from other areas of our lives such as play, food, and mental rest to help us come back with a fresh focus.
We all know we can get more done in 2 hours after a 'good night's sleep' than pushing through after a 10 hour day.

Here are four small things you can do:

1. Prioritise your sleep

  • Your business relies on you being your best, especially when coming up with innovative ideas and solutions quickly.
    Enough sleep will help you make alert decisions, regulate emotions and manage high levels of stress. Therefore, a good amount of sleep helps to recharge you with the energy to operate your business. 

2. Find an outlet to release the stress

  • Many people need a good outlet to release stress. This can be finding a new interest or hobby outside running your business, or developing interests in new activities such as meditation or sports. For some people, it is intimate or quality time with their family or friends. Whether it's being outside in nature, doing activities you love or quiet personal time to reflect, identify what brings you peace and use it as an outlet to release the tension. This practise will improve your focus, outlook and stress levels (My home shiatsu massager was the only thing that got me through home-schooling/work during lockdown.

3. Structure your day

  • When organising your day, or writing your to-do list, include 'normal' activities in your structure, This includes meals, water, regular breaks, and rewards and reflects your existing commitments to other areas of your life (i.e. family. friends, exercise, other life events). This creates a balanced structure for the day. 

And here's the big one!

4. Take a breather

  • If at any point, running a business feels overwhelming, then you' re right. There will be days when you feel like you 'just can't face it right now'... Don't! Step back. Go for a walk. Take a breather. Nothing will happen if you don't do anything at that moment. There is no business, no life without you. Your health, well-being and stress levels matter.

It is also important to review regularly, and outsource what you can, especially technical aspects of your business. If the legal side is too complicated, consult a lawyer or a solicitor. If you think it's less time-consuming to organise your finances, hire a great accountant or bookkeeper. 

And if you're finding the marketing monster is winning, and you need help breaking it down and prioritising, check out our Accelerate Coaching 4-month programme, or book a call to speak to us about how we can help you harness your marketing and communications. 

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